DC / DC Controllers

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Category: DC / DC Controllers, DC to DC ControllersInfineon
Infineon The IR3584 is a dual-loop digital multi-phase buck controller designed for CPU voltage regulation, and is fully compliant with Intel VR12 and compliant with VR12.5 Rev 1.3 PWM specifications. The IR3584 includes IR’s Efficiency Shaping Technology to deliver exceptional efficiency at minimum cost across the entire load range. IR’s Dynamic Phase Control adds/drops phases based upon load current. The IR3584 can be configured to enter 1 or 2-phase operation and active diode emulation mode automatically or by command. IR’s unique Adaptive Transient Algorithm (ATA), based on proprietary non-linear digital PWM algorithms, minimizes output bulk capacitors. IR3584 has 127 possible address values for both the PMBus and I2C bus interfaces. The device configuration can be easily defined using the IR Digital Power Design Center (DPDC) GUI, and is stored in the on-chip Non-Volatile Memory (NVM). This reduces external components and minimizes the package size. The IR3584 provides extensive OVP, UVP, OCP, OTP & CAT FLT fault protection, and includes thermistor based temperature sensing or per phase temperature reporting when using the IR powIRstage. The controller is designed to work with either RDS(on) current sense PowIRstages or with DCR current sense. The IR3584 also includes numerous VR design simplifying and differentiating features, like register diagnostics, which enable fast time-to-market.

Packaging: TR
Supplier Type: Partner Stock
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